Perfect Doctors Clinic
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What is Breast augmentation?

Breast augmentation is a common surgical procedure that enlarges and shapes your breasts. Breast implants or fat transfer can be used to augment your breasts.

Breast augmentation in Dubai Abu Dhabi, UAE, is a procedure that frequently entails breast enlargement with implants or without by fat transfer only.

How long will breast augmentation surgery results last?

Breast augmentation surgery is designed to produce a long-lasting results, and it takes 3 to 4 months for residual swelling to subside.


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This plastic surgical procedure simply improves the shape and size of your boobs. The money, effort, and time you put into this operation are surely worth it.

Before & After

Booking a Clinic appointment for International visitors or UAE citizens coming from Al Ain and Sharjah can be done by phone at +971561917976.

Why do patients choose to have breast augmentations?

There are numerous reasons why you might want or choose to have breast augmentation surgery, including:

    • To make your breasts appear larger if you believe they are too small.
    • If one of your breasts is smaller than the other, you can change their symmetry.
    • To account for a reduction in breast size after pregnancy or significant weight loss.
    • After breast surgery for other conditions, to correct any unevenness or issues with your breasts.
    • To improve your self-esteem and confidence.

How Much Does breast Augmentation Cost?

The average cost of breast augmentation surgery in Dubai, Abu Dhabi ranges from AED 16000 to AED 40000 in Jumeirah clinics and hospitals.

The patient should be wary of many plastic cosmetic surgeons, aesthetic clinics, and hospitals offering a very low-cost without safety.

Affordable breast enhancement costs vary depending on the treatment complexity and the surgeon’s expertise (a consultation is expected for an exact price estimate).

Perfect Doctors Aesthetic Surgery Clinic in Jumeirah, UAE, will Quote you charges with a reasonable breast enlargement hospital cost to pay. Book your consultation here today or Call us now at +971561917976

What are the various types of breast augmentation?

Breast implants and fat transfer augmentation are the two common types of this procedure. There are numerous options within those two categories depending on how you want your breasts to look and feel. Certain breast implants are only approved by the FDA for certain ages. It’s critical to thoroughly research and understand the pros and cons of each option, as well as speak with a board-certified plastic surgeon now.

Options for breast implants include:

  • Saline breast implants: These implants are filled with sterile saline (salt water). If the implant ruptures inside your breast, your body will absorb the saline and naturally eliminate it.
  • Structured saline breast implants: These implants are made of sterile saline (salt water) and have an inner structure that makes them feel more natural.
  • Silicone breast implants: Silicone gel is used to make these implants. If the implant ruptures, the gel may remain inside the shell or leak into your breast. If you have silicone implants, you may need to see your plastic surgeon on a regular basis to ensure that they are functioning properly.
  • Form-stable breast implants are also known as gummy bear breast implants because they maintain their shape even if the implant shell breaks. They are firmer and made of a thicker silicone gel than traditional implants. Form-stable breast implants necessitate a larger incision in your skin during surgery.
  • Round breast implants: These implants typically make the breasts look fuller. Because the implants are round all over, if they rotate out of place, they usually don’t change the look of your breast.
  • Smooth breast implants: These implants have the softest feel of any type of implant. Smooth breast implants typically make breast movement men look more natural.

Textured breast implants: These implants cause scar tissue to adhere to the implant, making it less likely that it will move around inside your breast. Although rare, breast implant-associated anaplastic large cell lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is more common in people who have breast implants with textured surfaces.

How Should I Prepare for Breast Augmentation surgery?

Preparing for Consultation

You will consult with a plastic surgeon about your breast size, feel, and cosmetic options. The surgeon will inquire as to why you want the procedure, whether you are taking any medications, and whether you smoke or consume alcohol. These questions will help you determine if the surgery is right for you and will give you a good idea of what to expect. In addition, the doctor will assess your overall health, examine your breasts, and explain all potential risks of the procedure.


Consultation is the best time to discuss any concerns you may have with your doctor. It is essential to understand all aspects of breast augmentation surgery, and it is perfectly normal to be concerned about it. Whether you’re excited about your new look or nervous about plastic surgery, don’t be afraid to express your concerns to your plastic surgeon.

Preparing before surgery

You may need to do the following when preparing for breast augmentation:

  • Obtain a medical evaluation or lab testing.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Change your current medications or begin taking new ones.
  • Stop taking anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, blood thinners, multivitamins, and herbal supplements because they can all increase your risk of bleeding.

You must arrange for a trustworthy family member or friend to drive you home from surgery. They will also need to accompany you the first night after the procedure.

What Can I Expect From Breast Augmentation surgery?

What happens during your surgery

Breast augmentation surgery entails a number of steps. Here’s a rundown of the steps.


Your surgeon will perform the surgery while you are sedated or under general anesthesia (you will sleep). This will be decided jointly by you and your surgeon.


The surgical incision


Breast augmentation can be done in a variety of ways. The following procedures can be performed by your surgeon:

  • Through the crease beneath your breast (known as the inframammary fold).
  • Along the rim of your areola (this is known as the periareolar incision).
  • Through your armpit (known as a transaxillary approach).

Before surgery, your surgeon will go over these options with you, and you will decide together which one is best for you.

Implant placement

Your surgeon can insert the implant in two places: under your breast tissue and in front of your muscle, or behind your breast muscle (pectoral muscle). The placement of the implants is determined by a number of factors, including the type of implant selected and how much you are enlarging your breasts. You and your surgeon can discuss the advantages of each method and make the decision together.

Finishing and cLosing the incision

After your implants have been placed, your surgeon will sew the incision sites together to close them. Drainage tubes may also be used by your surgeon. You must follow your surgeon’s incision site follow-up care instructions. Your breasts will be bandaged, and you may be sent home wearing a surgical bra.

What happens after your surgery

A health care provider will take you to a room for observation after your breast augmentation surgery while you recover. Once you’re stable enough, you’ll be able to leave the hospital. This normally takes about an hour.

Your surgeon will give you specific instructions for your recovery and schedule a follow-up appointment before you leave. If pain medication is required, your surgeon will write you a prescription. If you have drainage tubes, your surgeon will tell you when you should return to have them removed, as well as when you should remove the gauze bandages.

Your stitches will most likely be removed in about a week by your surgeon. Heavy lifting should be avoided for at least four weeks. If you participate in sports, it could take up to six weeks before you can resume those activities.

The recovery time after the surgery

Because everyone heals differently, the recovery time for breast augmentation surgery can vary depending on the type of augmentation and your overall health. Full recovery takes six to eight weeks on average.

Why choose Dr. Perfect Doctors surgeon for your Breast Augmentation surgery In Dubai?

Choose Dr. Perfect Doctors for your breast augmentation surgery in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, as your best cosmetic surgeon for the following reasons:

  • Dr. Perfect Doctors is one of Dubai's most experienced plastic surgeons, if not the best plastic surgeon in Dubai Abu dhabi UAE. He has an outstanding body of work for body reshaping surgeries, including breast augmentation surgery in Dubai. His patients' results and satisfaction levels are unparalleled.
  • Dr. Perfect Doctors is, without a doubt, the best plastic surgeon in Dubai! Best Plastic Surgeon in Dubai! Dr. Perfect Doctors
  • Each year, Dr Perfect Doctors aesthetic surgeon in Dubai Abu Dhabi UAE performs nearly 50 breast augmentation procedures at the best hospital in Jumeirah.
  • At Perfect Doctors Aesthetic Clinic, breast augmentations are performed only by board-certified doctors specially trained in body plastic surgery.

Breast augmentation Surgery FAQ

What are the potential risks and complications?

Implants breast augmentation fat transfer risks and complications, while rare, include:

  • Anesthesia risk
  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Undesired results

What are the benefits and advantages?

Breast augmentation is commonly used to improve the appearance of one’s breasts. This may boost confidence and self-esteem.

Who is a good candidate for this Surgery?

You might be a good candidate for breast augmentation if:

  • You are in good physical health and are not pregnant or breastfeeding. 
  • You have reasonable expectations.
  • Your breasts are fully formed.
  • You have the uneasy feeling that your breasts are too small.
  • You are unhappy with the shape and volume loss of your breasts after pregnancy, weight loss, or aging.
  • You are dissatisfied with the appearance of your upper breast as “empty.”
  • Asymmetry exists in your breasts.
  • One or both breasts did not develop normally or have an abnormally long shape.



  • With 30+ years of experience, Dr. Perfect Doctors is the most renowned Cosmetic Surgeon in Dubai Abu Dhabi, UAE.
  • Our Best Breast Augmentation Surgeon, Dr Perfect Doctors utilises the very latest techniques in surgery (Breast Augmentations; cheek, brow, face neck lifts, Rhinoplasty & Liposuction, Tummy tuck, Brazilian Butt lift,  & Breast Lift and Buttock Augmentation with Implants.)